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west Lafayette high school
Class of 1971 Fiftieth Reunion
Muestra tu orgullo de Diablo Rojo
Show your Red Devil Pride!
Show my
Red Devil Pride!
This is now.
Let's show our appreciation for our quality education, and donate to The Class of 1971 Reunion Gift for the West Lafayette Schools Education Foundation.
Our goal is $50,000 for our 50 years, and we are aiming for 100% participation. Your donation - of any amount - helps provide something we never had: outdoor seating and landscaping for the new Red Devil Dining Court. Imagine how nice that would have been - then, in 1971. We can make it happen now - 50 years later.
Here is a description of "our" outdoor Dining Court area, plus information on making your tax deductible donation .
Show your Red Devil Pride!
My pride is definitely showing with this mini-skirt.
That was then.
the big reveal
Watch our progress towards our goal of $50,000. As of August 27 we reached $34,150!!!
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